Both NSFAS-funded and non-NSFAS-funded students registered for approved courses at public universities in the 2022 and 2023 academic years are eligible to receive these learning devices to support their studies. All Courses offered in TVET are funded by NSFAS.

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List of Courses Funded By NSFAS

Courses that you will need to choose when you apply for NSFAS 2024
Adult LearningNSFAS2201
Media StudiesNSFAS2239
Building ConstructionNSFAS2202
Civil Engineering ConstructionNSFAS2203
Nature ConservationNSFAS2241
Cleaning, Domestic, Hiring, Property and Rescue ServicesNSFAS2204
Occupationally Directed ETD PracticeNSFAS2242
Communication StudiesNSFAS2205
Office AdministrationNSFAS2243
Consumer ServicesNSFAS2206
People/Human-Centered DevelopmentNSFAS2244
Cultural StudiesNSFAS2207
Performing ArtsNSFAS2245
Curative HealthNSFAS2208
Personal CareNSFAS2246
Design StudiesNSFAS2209
Physical Planning, Design and ManagementNSFAS2247
Drawing Office PracticeNSFAS2210

Physical SciencesNSFAS2248
Early Childhood DevelopmentNSFAS2211
Preventive HealthNSFAS2249
Earth and Space SciencesNSFAS2212
Primary AgricultureNSFAS2250
Electrical Infrastructure ConstructionNSFAS2213
Process InstrumentationNSFAS2251
Engineering and Related DesignNSFAS2214
Process Plant OperationsNSFAS2252
Environmental RelationsNSFAS2215
Environmental SciencesNSFAS2216
Project ManagementNSFAS2254
Fabrication and ExtractionNSFAS2217
Promotive Health and Developmental ServicesNSFAS2255
Film Television and VideoNSFAS2218
Finance, Economics and AccountingNSFAS2219
Public AdministrationNSFAS2257
Forestry and Wood TechnologyNSFAS2220
Public Policy, Politics and Democratic CitizenshipNSFAS2258
General Social ScienceNSFAS2221
Public RelationsNSFAS2259
Rehabilitative Health/ServicesNSFAS2260
Generic ManagementNSFAS2223
Religious and Ethical Foundations of SocietyNSFAS2261
Higher Education and TrainingNSFAS2224
Rural and Agrarian StudiesNSFAS2262
Safety in SocietyNSFAS2263
Hospitality, Tourism, Travel, Gaming and LeisureNSFAS2226
Human ResourcesNSFAS2227
Secondary AgricultureNSFAS2265
Industrial & Organizational Governance and HR DevelopmentNSFAS2228
Sovereignty of the StateNSFAS2266
Information StudiesNSFAS2229
Information Technology and Computer SciencesNSFAS2230
Traditions, History and LegaciesNSFAS2268
Justice in SocietyNSFAS2231
Transport, Operations and LogisticsNSFAS2269
Life SciencesNSFAS2233
Urban and Regional StudiesNSFAS2271
Visual ArtsNSFAS2272
Manufacturing and AssemblyNSFAS2235
Wholesale and RetailNSFAS2273
Mathematical SciencesNSFAS2237

The following bursary programs are offered by the NSFAS Application for 2023:

1. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) which is responsible for the assessment practices and systems for vocational and continuing education and training. The TVET bursary covers full cost of college fees as indicated in the programme costs of the current academic year as well as travel and accommodation expenses.

2. Public University Bursaries: The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) provides through the National Student Financial Aid System (NSFAS) assistance to the needy but qualified students who have gained admission to public universities in South Africa. They pay for the tuition fees and accommodation while providing allowances to students to help them throughout their chosen funded course.

3. Social Work Bursaries is provided by the Department of Social Development and is aimed to provide financial assistance to qualified students who wish to pursue studies in Bachelor of Social Work degree. Priorities are given to youth between the ages of 18 – 35 years in line with government’s goals of youth’s active participation in socio-economic activities. Social Worker bursary cover pays for cost for registration, tuition fee, book allowance, accommodation allowance, meals, and stipends for practical work experience as determined by the university.

4. Disability Bursary Programme provides financial support to applicants with disabilities who need financial assistance and possess good academic performance. Students eligible for this bursary must provide proof of disability and a quotation for assistive devices as required guidelines with the application form. An assistive device will be provided through applicant’s arrangement to the student disability unit at the university or TVET college where the applicant is going to study. This is to improve the quality of life of the applicant with the disability and reduce the costs of dependency and care as well as to enhance the prospect of employment and participation within the economy that is facilitated by a higher education qualification.